
>> Monday, March 21, 2011

This is it.  Week 1 over and how did we do?   I weighed in at 185.2.  Not exactly as great as I wanted but it is still a loss of 3.6 pounds. I may still be adjusting to the binge day.  Measurements are a little better thought 160 3/4.  that's 2 inches and for me that's awesome!!  I like to loose inches over weight.  Over the weekend I cooked Black Beans and Pinto Beans so I should be able to eat more of these.  I hope it helps.

From now on I will not be posting everyday.  You get the idea of the foods I will be eating.  I will keep you updated a couple times a week and definitely every Monday for weights and measures. My schedule doesn't change much so this would be boring if I repeated the same thing day after day.  I will have an overview every week and If you have any questions or comments please leave them for me.

 I have no idea what is expected in a blog but I will do my best to learn and inform you of anything new or life changing!  have a great week all and happy eating.


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