>> Monday, March 21, 2011
Here it is!! the weekend and my first cheat day. Unfortunately I had to get up extra early Saturday 4:45a.m.
Nobody should have to do that on a day they don't have to work. I had to go to a gun class and it was over an hour away. oh well, It was worth it. Breakfast had to be fast. Life cereal with milk. First cheat food. Yumm. I made a ham and cheese sandwich on multi grain bread for lunch with a mini pack of pringles and a bag of grapes. I could only eat half the sandwich and grapes. They had peanut butter cookies there and I ate only one. I cant believe how filling all the carbs are? I cant eat all the things I wanted to today because i am so full. I got home and fixed a mini pizza. Then for dinner I made Greek Shrimp for Ashley and Kait. I had mashed potatoes with cream cheese. That's all. I was going to bake a cake but I was too tired and went to bed at around 9:30. so much for a day of gluttony.
Sunday was the first real challenge for eating. I got up and made my usual breakfast but lunch was at Cole's bridal shower and they had very little I was allowed. Fresh veggies and sandwich wraps. That's what I ate! The girls at my table all laughed at me as I unwrapped my wrap. I cant have the "wrap" part. They didn't have coffee or water out so I helped my self to the ice and went to the kitchen for water. It wasn't really that bad, but the first time I was really limited. by the way... The cake was right behind me the whole time and it smelled awesome. I did NOT indulge. Afterwards my best friend and I went to the restaurant down the street for a glass of wine. We had not had a chance to really visit in quite a while and the atmosphere was perfect. I ordered appetizers cause I was still hungry from lunch. Ribs and steamed mussels. They were great and we followed it up with another glass of wine. That's my limit 2. although we did sample 2 more. Just a taste though not a glass. When I got home the girls wanted Taco Bell so we went there for dinner and I had pintos and cheese with at chicken taco to which I removed the shell. I slept the rest of the night. I guess the wine really got to me :)
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