The Beginning

>> Thursday, March 17, 2011

This is all new to me.  I have no idea how or why to "blog", but when I decided to do this weight loss challenge it was suggested that I start.  I am doing this basically to make myself accountable for my actions. Success or Failure, its all up to me.  I want to see if the "slow-carb" diet laid out in the book can actually do what it claims.  I am tired of exercising  myself to death with little or no results. 

Hope full this will give us all something to laugh at and have fun with but I'm warning you now... I may just fail this whole experiment.  I have no luck at success. EVER.

This is where we begin:  I am  a 39year old white female who is 5'2" tall and FAT.  188.8 to be exact.  Well to be honest the Friday before I decided to do this I weighed 191.2.  Monday morning when I started this plan I was at 188.8.  This is from basically starving myself all weekend.  I HATE the scale.

March 14,2011  Monday Day #1   Ok, not a good way to start.... I did not prep anything last night.  I chose to go snowmobiling instead.  A very good choice considering the conditions were excellent!!  Now I am paying for my lack of preparation.
Woke up at 5:45(daylight savings time is kicking my a*#) Ate breakfast at 6:30, 2 egg whites and 1 whole egg. Scrambled with 1T salsa, 1c. steamed mixed veggies and about 1/4-1/2c kidney beans.  Not great first thing in the morning I assure you, but it wont kill you.  Didn't do the weigh in thing last night (snowmobiling) so I jumped on the scale at the gym @ 7:15am.  188.8 OMG Total fat A$$.  Time to grab the tape measure.... S*%#. I took it home with all the yarn.  Ok so we improvise.  I'm good at that? I use the charger for my Kindle.  Mark out and measure with a metal ruler.  "This is NOT good ! but I will be honest with you here.  As much as it shames me , it may help someone else.  But:44 1/2, (brother please don't make the back up beeper sound this time) Belly:361/4 (looks like a beer gut but I don't drink the stuff) Right Leg 25 1/2, Left leg 26 1/4,( my waist was that size 6 years ago) Right arm 14 3/4 Left arm 15 1/4.  For a grand total of....drum roll please  162.3/4 inches.  This is the number I want to go down.  The scale is not as important as the inches!

This has not been the best start to a diet challenge but it is the perfect time to start.  Since there are so many beans in this diet, I really need to invest in BENO. Beans and I do not produce pleasant odors to say the least.

Bathing suit season is right around the corner and i am not even close to ready!  No one piece suit of shame this year.

Early lunch didn't go as planned.  I did not get to eat until 1pm but it was pretty yummy.  California blend veggies and a can of chicken, kidney beans on the side.  This meal did double duty, as the leftovers were my second smaller lunch at 3:30.  Done with work at 7 then home to make dinner. Lentils with Italian sausage! yum right?  NO.  My lentils were too salty and the sausage was dry. I opened a can of beets for a veggie and they were wonderful..  Need to work on this one!.   One thing I find is that the minute I get home from work or anyplace actually is that I want to snack.  this is a habit i know.  I wasn't hungry just snaky.  I did not snack on anything!.. (good me)
Because dinner was so awful and Ashley had a friend over,I made them Pizza Rolls and french fries.  Having them sit with us was quite a challenge.  I wanted a Pizza Roll so bad!
11:00 off to bed!  day one down.  it can only go up from here


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